Hi, is there anyone from Poland? For some of us, English can be a barrier to gaining tailoring experience, so why not create an English-Polish dictionary of the most difficult terms? Greetings.
Cześć, czy jest tu ktoś z Polski? Dla niektórych z nas język angielski może być barierą w zdobywaniu krawieckiego doświadczenia, więc może stworzymy słownik angielsko-polski, zawierający najtrudniejsze pojęcia? Pozdrawiam.
Maybe someone knows the Polish names for the construction materials? I've been told that horsehair canvas can be called Włosianka krawiecka but sadly, no idea what silesia, domett, gimp, undercollar melton etc is in Polish.
After speaking to some bespoke suit makers in Krakow, it also seems to be quite hard to find the materials here
Hey guys if any of you wants to collect all these terms on a spreadsheet, we can review together and I'll put it up as a Polish-English dictionary and we can realise the idea to its full potential. Let's make this a reality.
@milo.z or @Rafał I'd be happy to work and review with you both😉
International School of Tailoring
Maybe this will be useful for someone. I created this based on a menswear construction manual from the 1960s. If you notice errors let me know.
I found this: https://murkydesign.pl/odziezowy-slownik-angielsko-polski/
I'm attaching materials with vocabulary and excersises connected with tailoring. Maybe someone will find them useful.
Załączam materiały ze słówkami i ćwiczeniami związanymi z krawiectwem. Może dla kogoś okażą się pomocne.
This is a great idea! In fact, we are soon going to have a “Resources” page on the site and this can fit there perfectly.
let’s think about this as it can be done with other languages as well!
How can we make this so that it can be updated across time? What kind of format do you envision?