My name is Erik, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I've been sewing since I was a child (a long, long time ago), but I've always dreamed of learning the art of tailoring. I've sewn many jackets before, but always using industrial patterns. Now I've had the opportunity to try a completely handmade process, offered by our generous Reza. I'm very grateful to him for this. I live in a very poor part of Rio de Janeiro and it's very difficult to find all the materials. And when we do find them, they're very expensive.
I was able to complete the entire process with ease, up until the moment of finishing the sleeves. However, I had difficulty sewing the lining, the upper collar and doing all the finishing touches. I don't have the money to pay for a tailoring school (which is very expensive here). But I would like to share my results here. Mr. Reza was very important in my journey. And i have to say THANK YOU Mr. REZA! I would love to be an intern at his school.
PS.: For this jacket i used my onw pattern, with my onw measurements. The fitting was ok.